teething pain
Milestones, Toddlers

Toddler teething with molars: Symptoms and remedies to ease pain


Teething is not a pleasant experience for babies but molar teeth can be most painful experience for them because of their large size and double edge.  Babies can start getting their first teeth as early as they are 6 month old and get their full set of teeth by the age of 3 year old.

There are 2 sets of molar teeth which are first molar and second molar or 2-year molar. Second molars are the last set of teeth to be emerging and they are large teeth at the very back of mouth.

How long teething last?

The age of teething can vary for child to child but according to guidelines they should get their full set of 20 teeth by the age of 3 year. Usually teething starts when baby is 6 to 10 month old and last until they are 25 to 33 months old. But teething doesn’t end here, these are just temporary teeth and they will start shedding when your child’s age is around 6 to 7 year.

All of your baby teeth will erupt one by one and usually they appear in pairs. Usually the lower central incisor teeth come first. Here is the image which will show you the age of eruption and shedding both and the order in which they erupt.

teething with molars

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When do toddler get their molar teeth?

First set of molar usually erupt around the age of 10 to 14 month or you can say early in the second year but the second molar teeth start erupting around the age of 25 to 33 month. They can also come in like one tooth at a time and the exact timing for each child varies.

Typically the lower set comes in first around the age to 23 to 31 month followed by upper set around the age of 25 to 33 month.

Symptoms of teething with molars in toddlers

You and your child can be lucky and may get their molar teeth without any pain or discomfort. But it’s not same for all. For many toddler and parents, it’s very painful time. Sometime your child won’t be able to tell you about the discomfort and pain that they are feeling but there are always some symptoms which you can relate.

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 Here are few of the symptoms in toddler when teething with molars and sometime symptoms are worse at night.

  • Toddler is not sleeping well because of pain and swollen gums
  • Some child try to chew more to relieve pressure on gums. They may try to chew their toys, fingers, clothes or anything.
  • Loss of appetite can be an another sign of teething
  • Low grade fever also.
  • They are looking irritable and cranky. Crankiness and irritability can be more during that time.
  • If they are drooling more than earlier that can be sign of teething.

How to ease the pain of teething in toddler

Here are few tips to ease the pain of teething specially when teething with molar because they are big teeth and can cause swollen and painful gums.

  • Rubbing gums with clean finger, or a damp washcloth can give them relief. The idea is to simply provide some pressure on gums to reduce pain.
  • Give them something to chew which will also help them
  • Cold pack or cold food like ice-cream, cold fruits, cold veggie stick will be a great help for them.
  • Teething rings to chew on.
  • Try to distract them for pain and discomfort, take them out, play with them, read books or do whatever your child enjoys.
  • If the pain is bothering a lot to your child then give over the counter medication after consulting with doctor.
  • Avoid topical teething gels because they can cause serious side effects to your child.

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Always check with your doctor before giving  any over the counter medication to your child.

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