side effects if birth control pills

15 side effect of birth control pills that you should know

Birth control is a way for men and women to prevent pregnancy. There are many different methods of birth control, including hormonal contraception such as “the pill.” When these pill taken correctly, it is up to 99.9% effective but there are some side effect of taking birth control pill. Combination birth control pills, also known …

irregular period

13 Home remedies for irregular periods and fertility

Overview Menstruation cycle is a natural part of women’s monthly cycle. The average menstruation cycle is 28 days, but can vary from woman to woman. The length of cycle can also vary month to month also. Some women face some irregularities in their cycle and there are some home remedies for irregular periods which are …


What should we not do in periods. Do and don’ts in periods.

While you are having a period, there are a number of activities that u don’t want to do because of how your hormones behave during that time. There are also numbers of do and don’ts of period, because they can harm your health. The changes and relative levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone throughout the …