What is intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting is an eating cycle in which you eat on a particular schedule and fast rest of the day. Intermittent fasting is a great way to manage your weight and it has many other health benefits also. Mother often thinks about Intermittent fasting while breastfeeding to get back in shape. …
13 Benefits of breastfeeding for babies: Why it is important
Overview Breast milk is the best food for your baby which contains all the nutrition for their development and growth. There are lots and lots of benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mother both. Breast milk contains right amount of nutrients which are easily digestible and help in their optimal development. The world health organization …
Breastfeeding and nipple pain: What are the causes and how long it last
Breastfeeding should not cause you nipple pain and that’s the fact. It can be uncomfortable at first but never painful. Breastfeeding is something that only a mother can do for her baby. It should be pleasant for both mother and baby but not painful. If it’s painful that means something is definitely wrong. It can …
Alcohol and breastfeeding: can you drink while breastfeeding
The harmful effects of alcohol are well known during pregnancy. Too much alcohol can be harmful in all the way and in breastfeeding also. Everything you eat while breastfeeding will eventually find his way to breast milk including alcohol. Completely avoiding alcohol during breastfeeding is the safest option for both mother and baby. A drink …
12 foods to avoid while breastfeeding
A healthy diet is very important during breastfeeding the same as it’s important when not breastfeeding. Everything you eat during this time affects the breast milk and your baby also. There are few foods to avoid or reduce while you are breastfeeding. Specific nutrients, such as iron, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and D, are …
All about first month of a baby after birth, what can you expect?
During your newborn’s first month, your baby is just getting used to this big, strange new world. And you are getting used to taking care of his many needs. Now is a time when you are ready to go home with your little munchkin and ready to begin a new life with him. Now’s the time to …