best oil for baby massage

Best Oil for baby massage and benefits of each oil

Baby massage overview Baby massage is an ancient practice that has been used around the world for centuries to help babies grow and develop. It’s also a wonderful way to bond with your newborn and help them feel safe and secure. Baby massage is a great way to promote healthy growth and development in your …

Montessory toy for 0-6 month baby-min

15 Best Montessori toys for 6-month-old babies and toddlers

It is critical to consider your child’s developmental stage when selecting the best Montessori toys for a 6-month-old. Montessori believed that children should be given resources to help them learn new skills on their own, based on what they already can do. This means that babies need toys with which they can experiment and interact. …

starting baby on solid

How and when to start baby on solids. Sample schedule to follow.

Overview Starting a baby on a solid schedule can be an exciting time for you and your baby. But before that, many questions come to mind like how and when to start baby on solids and what schedule to follow initially. What method is the best way to start? What foods should you introduce first? …

benefits of sand play

What is sand play? 12 benefits of sand play for kids of all ages.

Overview Kids loves to play which seems like they are just having fun but it is not true. Play is an important part of their development and growth. Each type of play including, indoor, outdoor, water play, family play time and sand play have their own benefits and advantages. Sand play is not bad as …

signs of teething baby

10 signs of teething baby and when teething start in babies

When does teething start in babies? Teething is the process when your baby’s teeth start to come through gums. This is a part of their development. Sometime teething starts without any signs in babies and sometimes babies show some signs when they start teething. Teething can start without any pain or discomfort in babies but …

intermittent fasting while breastfeeding

Is it safe to do intermittent fasting while breastfeeding: Everything you should know

What is intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting is an eating cycle in which you eat on a particular schedule and fast rest of the day. Intermittent fasting is a great way to manage your weight and it has many other health benefits also. Mother often thinks about Intermittent fasting while breastfeeding to get back in shape. …

benefits of breastfeeding for babies

13 Benefits of breastfeeding for babies: Why it is important

Overview Breast milk is the best food for your baby which contains all the nutrition for their development and growth. There are lots and lots of benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mother both. Breast milk contains right amount of nutrients which are easily digestible and help in their optimal development. The world health organization …

Home remedies for cough in infants

21 Amazing home remedies for cough for infants that actually work

Cold and cough are two most common illnesses in babies. There is no particular medicine of pill for this to prevent or cure. Some time home remedies works best for cough in infants and they are safe from conventional medications because it is not advisable to give medicines to young babies and toddlers. Cold and …