pregnancy test Archives - YourHealthyMom Rising Happy and Healthy You Thu, 24 Feb 2022 05:51:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 pregnancy test Archives - YourHealthyMom 32 32 15 side effect of birth control pills that you should know Fri, 13 Aug 2021 12:34:05 +0000 Birth control is a way for men and women to prevent pregnancy. There are many different methods of birth control, including hormonal contraception such as “the pill.” When these pill taken correctly, it is up to 99.9% effective but there are some side effect of taking birth control pill. Combination birth control pills, also known …

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Birth control is a way for men and women to prevent pregnancy. There are many different methods of birth control, including hormonal contraception such as “the pill.” When these pill taken correctly, it is up to 99.9% effective but there are some side effect of taking birth control pill.

Combination birth control pills, also known as the pill, are oral contraceptives that contain estrogen and a progestin. Combination birth control pills keep your ovaries from releasing an egg. They also cause changes in the cervical mucus and the lining of the uterus (endometrial) to keep sperm from joining the egg.

Different types of combination birth control pills contain different doses of estrogen and progestin. Continuous-dosing or extended-cycle pills allow you to reduce the number of periods you have each year. You can check with your health care provider about the correct dosage of birth control pill for you.

15 most common Side effect of birth control pill

Even though birth control pills are very safe, using the combination pill can slightly increase your risk of health problems. Complications are very rare but it does depend on individual body and their lifestyle. The specific side effects vary widely among individuals, and different pills cause different side effects. Some of the most common side effects of birth control pills are:

1.    Spotting between period

During the first few months of using birth control pills, you may have some minor bleeding between periods. This is called breakthrough bleeding or spotting which is one of the most common side effect of birth control pill. It’s more common if you’re taking progestin-only pills.  It typically stops on its own, but report it to your healthcare provider if it happens, along with any other side effects.

2.    Changes in period

When you start taking birth control pills, you can feel some of the changes in your period as a side effect like light periods or missed period. This is because of the hormones they contain. Depending on the type of birth control, people can use the pill to safely skip a period.

Click here if you are looking for natural methods of birth control to avoid possible side effects of pills

3.    Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is another very common side effect of birth control pill. You can feel increase or decrease in vaginal discharge or a change in the nature of the discharge. For some women pills can cause vaginal dryness also and all these changes can be because of hormone containing in pills.

These changes are not usually harmful, but alterations in color or odor could point to an infection. Check with your doctor if you feel like you are having an infection.

4.    Weight gain

Weight gain is a possible side effect of birth control pill. Birth control pills could lead to increases in fluid retention or water weight. They could also lead to increases in fat or muscle mass. However, some people may instead report weight loss when taking the pill. But there has not been enough research to confirm whether the hormones in birth control pills lead to weight gain or weight loss.


5.    Headache and Migraine

The hormone in birth control pill can cause you headache more frequently as a side effect. Birth control pill creates changes in hormone estrogen and progesterone which can trigger migraine in some women. However symptom depends on the dosage, type of pill and individual body.

6.    Breast tenderness

Taking birth control pills often causes the breasts to feel tender as a side effect, especially soon after a person starts taking them. Hormonal pills can also cause your breast to grow bigger. Wearing a supportive bra can help reduce breast tenderness.

4 stages of menstrual cycle, what is the normal cycle and what’s not

7.    Mood swings

Our hormones are responsible for changes related to mood. Hormonal pills are also a type of hormone which are given orally and can affect a person’s mood. These pill make changes in hormone which can affect a person’s mood and emotions.

8.    Melasma (Darkening of skin)

Some people can fell the darkening of skin due to these pills which is called melasma. Hormones are the primary cause of melasma – especially estrogen. Elevated levels of estrogen in the body increase pigment production, and hormonal birth control works by increasing the levels of estrogen in the body. That’s why melasma is commonly seen side effect with birth control pill.

9.    Low sex drive

These hormonal pills can affect your sex drive which is because of change in hormones due to the pill. Some people reported low sex drive and decreased libido while on birth control pill. It’s always a good idea to consult with your health care provider if you have any concern regarding this.

10.    Eye changes

The estrogen hormone in your birth control can cause eye inflammation. This can interfere with the eye’s oil-producing glands, resulting in dryness and blurred vision. Estrogen can also cause corneal thickening. This does not suggest a higher risk of eye disease, but it may mean that contact lenses no longer fit comfortably.

11.    Acne

Some forms of birth control pills can also cause or worsen acne, specially the pills which only contain progesterone. Even with the combination pills also you can notice an initial flare up as your body gets used to the new hormones.

10 reasons of late period if you are not pregnant

12.    Inflammations

Birth control pills can increase your risk of inflammation which can cause some health problems over time. Inflammations can also affect your body in the long run and can eventually lead to disease or conditions including certain cancers or arthritis. Increasing your cardiovascular health risk is also a side effect of birth control pills in long run. Always talk to your doctor who prescribes you these pills regarding all the side effects.

13.    Gallstones

Birth control pills in general could increase the risk of gallstones by increasing cholesterol levels in the bile and decreasing gallbladder movements. Some studies also found an increase in the development of gallbladder disease among women who were using oral contraceptives compared with those not taking these drugs. Both estrogen and progesterone have been shown to increase the risk of gallstones.

blood pressure

14.    Increased blood pressure

Birth control pills can increase your blood pressure from slightly to potentially dangerous. Birth control pill can also increase your risk of developing blood clot. Sometimes, if your blood pressure becomes too high while using the pill, you may need to switch to a new birth control method. If you feel any symptom of high blood pressure, it’s always better to consult with the doctor and check suitable option for you.

15.    Decreased testosterone

Mostly birth control pills contain the female hormone estrogen and progestin. They are often called combination pills. Many combined pills lower your testosterone. That’s the hormone that makes you want to have sex. Having less testosterone can decrease acne, but can also lower your libido. If you use non-hormonal contraception options, you won’t notice this effect.

Some of the serious side effects of birth control pill

Combination birth control pills increase the risk of certain conditions, which can be serious. Although these side effects are rare but there is always a possibility. They include:

  • Liver disorder
  • Heart-attacks
  • Stroke
  • Blood clot
  • Severe headache
  • Chest pain
  • Blurred Vision or loss of vision
  • Elevated triglycerides and pancreatitis
  • Severe stomach pain

Birth control pills can lead to a higher risk for blood clots, heart attack, and stroke in women who smoke, especially if older than 35 years of age. Birth control pills should NOT be used by women who are over 35 years of age and smoke. The birth control pill does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Only a condom can protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Who should not use birth control pills

It is always better to avoid birth control pill to avoid serious side effect if you have following conditions or check with your doctor about the best option for you.

  • If you smoke or have heart disease or other cardiovascular conditions, you may not be an ideal candidate for birth control pills.
  • Birth control pills can sometimes be slightly less effective for women with obesity.
  • Known or suspected breast cancer or cancer of the lining of the uterus, cervix, or vagina or certain hormonally-sensitive cancers.
  • Pregnant or think you are pregnant.
  • Blood clots
  • Liver disease or tumor
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes affecting your circulation.
  • Mental depression
  • If you are over 35 and smoke

When to see a doctor

If you are taking birth control pills and having any of the following side effect, check with your doctor as soon as possible.

  • Fainting
  • Severe leg pain or swelling
  • Blurred vision or loss of vision
  • Chest pain
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Two or more missed period and symptoms of pregnancy.
  • Severe headache or migraine
  • Severe mood swings or depression
  • Shortness of breath
  • High blood pressure

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15 Early pregnancy symptoms, feelings, tests, and stages Mon, 01 Feb 2021 08:51:37 +0000 Overview Pregnancy is wonderful experience with full of emotions and happy moments for all the women including me. I have also experienced this. Having a feeling of a new life inside you is something different. It feels like miracle. And you can start feeling some early pregnancy symptoms even before missed period. It can be …

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Pregnancy is wonderful experience with full of emotions and happy moments for all the women including me. I have also experienced this. Having a feeling of a new life inside you is something different. It feels like miracle. And you can start feeling some early pregnancy symptoms even before missed period.

It can be different from woman to woman, and even for the same mother from one pregnancy to the next. By god grace only women can experience this.

Pregnancy is a long journey and memorable too. It’s a long 10 month journey. A normal pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period, which is about two weeks before conception actually occurs. 

Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg after it’s released from the ovary during ovulation. The fertilized egg then travels down into the uterus, where implantation occurs. That results in pregnancy.

There are many factors that can affect a pregnancy. If you are planning for a baby, early diagnosis and care is better.

If you are trying to conceive there are some early signs and symptoms before a pregnancy test to look for.

Symptoms of Early pregnancy even before missed period.

Here are some early symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period that you can check for.

1.    Missed period

It’s very obvious symptom of pregnancy and one of the earliest symptom. Missed period doesn’t means you are pregnant, especially if you are having irregular period.

2.    Loss of appetite:

You must have heard from many women that they feel lots of craving but during early pregnancy it’s not true. You can actually lose an interest in some of the foods and drinks, maybe some of them you were eating daily. Changes in the taste and sensitivity to smell is very common and for some women it can persist through out their journey.

You can also experience loss of appetite because your body is preparing for the pressure of pregnancy and this will come on track when you will feel relaxed.

3.    Frequent trips to toilet is a very common symptom of pregnancy

It is possible that in the early stages you might feel an increased need to pee, feeling like you’re forever making trips to the toilet. You could notice this feeling especially at night time.

4.    Spotting or bleeding is sometime a symptom of early pregnancy

Some women can experience light bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy which can be a result of implantation that usually occur after one to two weeks after fertilization.

Bleeding can also sometimes signal a serious pregnancy complication, such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, so it’s always best to discuss with your doctor.

5.    Diarrhea:

Pregnancy can cause you diarrhea and frequent digestive problems. This is because of hormonal changes that are happening to prepare your body for pregnancy.

6.    Bloating:

During pregnancy, progesterone hormone can make your stomach full and can make you feel bloated. Bloating can be a symptom of early pregnancy before missed period.

Early miscarriage symptoms: how do you know if you had early miscarriage

7.    Sore and tender breast is also a symptom of pregnancy

During pregnancy your breast changes and this is one of most noticeable sign of pregnancy.  your breasts may begin to feel tender, swollen, and generally heavy or full. Your nipples may also become larger and more sensitive, and the areola may darken.

8.    Morning sickness:

Morning sickness includes vomiting and nausea. Some women feel morning sickness throughout their pregnancy and some feel more during early pregnancy. This symptom can show as early as 2 week into your pregnancy. Hormonal changes are most common reason of this.

9.    Abdominal cramps are a common symptom of early pregnancy

During pregnancy the muscles in your uterus begin to stretch and expand, you may feel a pulling sensation that resembles menstrual cramps. You can get pains that resemble to your period around the same time that you are expecting your period.

Read here to know about 15 changes in body post-pregnancy

10.    Back pain:

Backache is a common symptom throughout your pregnancy due to the extra weight you’re carrying, but it can also be an early sign of pregnancy too. Hormones and stress on the muscles are the biggest causes of back pain in early pregnancy.

11.    Constipation

Some women feel constipated during early week of pregnancy and some experience diarrhea. Hormonal changes can slow down the digestive system that can cause constipation.

12.    Leg cramps:

Leg cramps are very common during pregnancy and it can start during early pregnancy also. This is due to less calcium in bones during this time because now all your minerals, vitamins and calcium is divided with your baby.

13.    Headache:

Headache is another common symptom of pregnancy before missed period and this is again due to changes in hormonal levels.

14.    Shortness of breath:

In early stages of pregnancy, an increase of progesterone in your body causes you to breathe more often as a result you can feel shortness of breath.

15.    Low sex drive:

Your sex drive can decrease during early weeks of pregnancy. Your breast may be sensitive, and you can also feel nausea, tiredness, and fatigue. All these can reduce your sex drive.

How do you feel while pregnant

There are so many thoughts come in mind when you are pregnant. Each woman is different and each pregnancy is different. Physically it is very tiring process. You can feel tired all the time, shortness of breath, nausea, morning sickness, back pain, and many other symptoms. Emotionally some women are stressed about their pregnancy, feels like stressed and depressed, or felling like crying, in short there are lots of mood swings due to hormonal changes.

Some women experience feelings inside their stomachs in the early stages of pregnancy that replicate the sensation of their muscles being pulled and stretched. Sometimes referred to as abdominal twinges.


Abdominal twinges and mild pains are very common during pregnancy and usually nothing to worry about.  Twinges and abdominal pain is usually caused by constipation, ligament pain, or trapped wind – all of which are a normal. These pains can be reduced by doing regular exercise, having small and frequent meals, increasing your water intake and having lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

How to confirm that you are pregnant

Pregnancy test

The most effective way to confirm you’re pregnant is via a pregnancy test. You can do the test by home pregnancy test kit or can do a blood test at your doctor’s clinic. These kits check for the presence of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), in your urine. During pregnancy, HCG hormone increase in your urine and an increase HCG in urine can confirm about pregnancy test.

Doctor can also perform blood test to confirm the presence of HCG hormone in blood that can tell whether you are pregnant or not.

Home pregnancy tests are affordable, convenient and reliable as well. They are reliable as long as you follow the instructions properly. Negative tests are not always reliable if you have taken it too early, as level of HCG might not be enough. It is also recommended to avoid drinking too much fluid before taking test as it can dilute the level of HCG.

Healthy meals during pregnancy and how to plan Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Three Stages of pregnancy

A normal pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period, which is about two weeks before conception actually occurs. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each of these periods lasts between 12 and 13 weeks. 

During each trimester, so many changes happen in woman’s body as well as in the developing baby.

At first conception and implantation happen. On an average two weeks before next period ovulation occur and ovaries release an egg. The egg can be fertilize for 12 to 24 hours after it’s released as it travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. If an egg meets up with a sperm cell that has made its way into the fallopian tube, it combines into one cell, a process that’s known as fertilization or conception. 

It takes about three to four days for the fertilized egg (or embryo) to move to the lining of the uterus, where it attaches or implants to the uterine wall.

1.    First trimester (week 1 to week 12)

During the first trimester your body undergoes many changes. Hormonal changes affect almost every organ system in your body. These changes can trigger symptoms even in the very first weeks of pregnancy however missed period is a clear sign that you are pregnant.

A baby grows rapidly during the first trimester. The fetus begins developing their brain, spinal cord, and organs. You can also see your baby’s heart beat during ultrasound scan.

There are so many changes happen in mother’s body also. Women can feel

  • Tiredness
  • Constipation
  • Morning sickness
  • Headache
  • Frequent urge to urine
  • Breast sensitivity
  • Mood swings

During this time a lots of changes happen in the body so you should take care like taking proper rest, having frequent meals. According to research during first trimester changes of miscarriage are relatively high.


2.    Second trimester (week 13 to week 28)

Second trimester is easier than first trimester. During this time you might notice that symptoms like nausea and fatigue are going away. But many more changes are waiting for you. Your abdomen will expand as the baby continues to grow. You’ll probably begin to feel your baby move, kick, and punch inside uterus.

Some of the changes that you can feel

  • Body pain, back pain
  • Stretch marks on abdomen, breast and thighs
  • A line on the skin running from belly button to pubic hairline
  • Dark skin around nipples
  • Itching on abdomen, thighs and can be on other areas on body 

3.    Third trimester (week 28 to week 40)

During the third trimester your weight gain will accelerate, and you may feel more tired. Some of the changes that you can feel

  • Shortness of breath
  • Discomfort while sleeping
  • Leaky breast
  • Swelling in feet
  • Contractions that can feel like labor
  • Baby movements
  • Frequent urination

Your baby can now sense light as well as open and close their eyes. Their bones are also formed. At 39 weeks, your baby is considered full-term. Your baby’s organs are ready to function on their own.

As you near your due date, your baby may turn into a head-down position for birth. Most babies “present” head down. Your doctor will check your progress with a vaginal exam as you near your due date. 

Remember that each and every pregnancy is different. Some women faces complications and some experience very smooth pregnancy in short Its completely depends on your body behavior. All you can do is just eat healthy, do some light exercise, have plenty of rest, keep visiting to the doctor for health checkups.  A doctor can help ensure the growing baby is meeting their developmental milestones, and that the woman is in good health.

Pregnancy, childbirth, and the first few months with a newborn are unlike any other time in life. This time will not come back. Each child is different and they are full of new experiences, great uncertainty, and many new emotions.

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Are you Trying to get Pregnant? Increase the Chances of getting pregnant naturally Thu, 10 Dec 2020 12:37:56 +0000 Overview Are you thinking about a baby and Trying to get pregnant? This information will help you to know about the things that you should know and in increasing chances of getting pregnant. When I was trying to have a baby. I try to do everything that I can do to get pregnant. But as …

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Are you thinking about a baby and Trying to get pregnant? This information will help you to know about the things that you should know and in increasing chances of getting pregnant.

When I was trying to have a baby. I try to do everything that I can do to get pregnant. But as you know, nothing is easy in this world and its not like making 2 minutes noodle. It takes time.

Sometime it takes just few months and sometime it can take a whole year, mine was almost 6 to 7 months. On an average a healthy couple take around 6 to 12 months in conceiving. I know that’s a long time but all you can do is to follow some steps to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

What happen in a female body every month?

Female body is very complicated. Every month a lots of things happen there.

  1. Each month a Series of hormones changes happen.
  2. Each month an egg Is released by ovary that is called Ovulation. Here is will not go in the details of Ovulation. if you want to know about the ovulation in detail, click here .
  3. After that egg travels to the fallopian tube and stay there for almost 24 hours.
  4. Then sperm fertilize the egg and pregnancy happens.

Things to check for increasing the chances of getting pregnant

Here I am describing few tips that you can keep in mind and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

13 tips that everyone should avoid and some important tips when trying to conceive

1. Timing, Timing and Timing

The main key or can say first step in this journey is to keep track of your timing. The key is to have sex in the days before or during ovulation. The sperm can only survive in female reproductive tract for up to 5 days. Keep track of your cycle and check for your ovulation timing. 

There are so many methods by which you can keep track of your ovulation date.

track ovulation and increase chances of getting pregnant

1. Ovulation kits

Ovulation kits are similar to the Home Pregnancy test kits and can tell your ovulation days by urine test. I also used some ovulation kits during my time they are very effective in telling you the correct timing. You can find these kits online or any nearby pharmacy. Once the result is positive you can have sex during that time and that’s how u can check your most fertile days. Having sex on most fertile days will automatically increase your chances of getting pregnant.

FAQs about irregular period and trying to conceive

2. Keep track of Basal body Temperature

Basal body temperature is the temperature that is stable in the morning during normal days. When you are ovulating or you can say during most fertile days there is slight increase in your basal body temperature. You can keep track of your basal body temperature for few months early in the morning and check for your most fertile days. This is also a good option to keep track of ovulation and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Generally basal body temperature during normal days is 96 to 97 degree Fahrenheit and during fertile days, it is between 97 to 98 degree Fahrenheit. To measure this slight change, you will need special basal body temperature thermometer. These types of thermometer are very sensitive to temperature and can measure slight change in your temperature. These also can be found online or any pharmacy.

3. Cervical mucus checking

This is also an ovulation tracking method. For this you should be aware of the changes in your cervical mucus throughout the month.  As hormones changes in your body, the consistency of cervical mucus also changes before and after ovulation.  As you have noticed in daily life that sometime there are dry days and sometime there is great amount of mucus. 

During initial days after periods are like dry days and as the egg starts to mature, mucus increases in the vagina, and is white or yellow and cloudy and sticky. There is great amount of mucus during ovulation. During these wet days it becomes clear and slippery, like raw egg whites. Sometimes it can be stretched apart. This is when you are most fertile. So that’s how u can calculate your most fertile days and utilize them to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

14 natural ways to increase fertility and get pregnant fast

4. Periods tracking apps or Calendars

You can also use any period tracking app or maintain a calendar to keep the track of your cycle. These types of apps also tell you about your most fertile days based on your previous cycle. 

5. Follicular method

If you are not able to find your ovulation days by any of the above methods then you can go to your doctor and doctor will do some blood test and can perform a series of ultrasound to check your most fertile day. This method is basically called follicular method. your doctor will tell you about your most fertile days so that you can have sex on right time and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

15 things to consider to increase your chances of pregnancy

For the best result you can use above methods in combination and accurately calculate your fertile days.

2. Eat well and Exercise

As you know, eating healthy means healthy body and healthy body means chances of getting pregnant are high. Here are few tips for that…

increase chances of getting pregnant by healthy eating
  • Improve your diet
  • Include some exercise to your daily routine.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol
  • Cut some sort of caffeine if you are taking too much
  • Try meditation and Yoga

When to take some Medical professional advice

Some time it is very frustrating when you are trying for something and its taking too long. But I will advise you to try to be relax and enjoy this time.

On an average it can take up to 6 to 12 months.

  1. Check with your doctor if you are trying from more than 12 months and your age is less than 35. But if your age is more than 35 then it is advised to wait only for 6 months. But still it’s not a standard time lines and don’t be stressed about these also because stress can also delay the process.
  2. If you think that u can have some fertility issues then go to the doctor and check for fertility tests.
  3. If you have any genetic or medical condition.
  4. Having a history of miscarriages.

Hope Following these advices you will be able to increase your chances of getting pregnant and have positive results soon.

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