colic in newborns Archives - YourHealthyMom Rising Happy and Healthy You Fri, 30 Jun 2023 09:12:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 colic in newborns Archives - YourHealthyMom 32 32 Signs of Colic in Newborn! FAQs & Home Remedies to deal with it Sat, 13 May 2023 11:05:44 +0000 Overview Bringing your newborn home is a wonderful experience, and during the first few weeks, you’ll be completely enamored by their every action, from smiling in sleep, to sucking their thumb to sobbing.  But if your tiny angel suddenly starts crying, screaming, and sporting an awful red face, it can be frightening for everyone in …

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Bringing your newborn home is a wonderful experience, and during the first few weeks, you’ll be completely enamored by their every action, from smiling in sleep, to sucking their thumb to sobbing. 

But if your tiny angel suddenly starts crying, screaming, and sporting an awful red face, it can be frightening for everyone in the house.  

However, you shouldn’t worry much because infant colic is common. The good news is that this short-term condition and can be treated. In this I will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatments for colic.  

What is Colic? 

Colic is very common in kids, and there can be no health-related indications and has no outward indications of distress despite their incessant crying. 

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Colic is characterized by prolonged, intense, and frequent screaming for no obvious reason. It is often associated with abdominal discomfort because many babies put their knees up when they cry, which can be because of trapped wind.  

Both baby and parent may experience significant discomfort during these episodes, which can last for weeks. You may try a few things to reduce the severity and duration of colic episodes. 

When and Why Do Babies Get Colic? 

There is no one possible cause of colic in babies and no time for it to start. Some newborns are more easily stimulated than others, and sometime colicky babies react to gas, acid reflux, or allergies. 

Due to no specific cause of colic, there is no universally effective treatment for it. Possible causes can include: 

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  • Experiencing discomfort due to gas or indigestion 
  • A digestive system that is still developing  
  • Breast milk or formula intolerance 
  • Overstimulation 
  • Infancy-onset migraine attacks.  
  • The reaction of the emotions caused by anger, or fear. 

What Are the Signs of Colic in newborns 

signs of colic in babies

When your baby is about two weeks old, you should expect the normal crying to begin. Colic typically strikes in newborns between the ages of 2 and 4 weeks. One in five newborns experiences the discomfort of colic. some signs of colic in newborns include: 

  • Infants suffering from colic sometimes cry out uncontrollably for extended periods. 
  • Babies with colic will frequently clutch their knees to their chest and turn a bright crimson from crying. 
  • They often have a high-pitched wail, which can have other causes. 
  • It’s possible to gauge how much sobbing is too much or too little by applying a “rule of threes” approach.  
  • If your baby cries for three hours at a time, three or more days a week, for three weeks, and no other conditions could explain the behavior, then your baby has colic.

5 Colic Home Remedies for colic in babies

1. Warm Bath and Compressing 

Natural remedies for gas pain in infants include a warm bath and compress. Soak a towel in warm water, squeeze off the excess water, and gently rub the baby’s tummy. 

2. Massage 

Babies can be soothed and stimulated their appetites with a little massage using essential oils like almonds and coconut. Apply the oil to your palm and massage the area gently in a clockwise motion.  

3. Lay Them Down Flat 

Colicky infants may benefit from a change of position, so try placing the infant on their stomach, across the parent’s chest, or in the lap. In addition, a little rub on the baby’s back can help with gas release and provide comfort.  

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In addition, research shows that time spent on one’s stomach helps develop stronger muscles in the head, neck, and shoulders. Do this only while the infants are alert, and you have control over the situation. 

4. Burp, The Baby 

Remember that burping the baby promptly after each feeding will help alleviate flatulence and prevent the production of stomach bubbles. Place your baby on your shoulder, cradling their head and shoulders, and gently pat or stroke them until you hear a burp. 

5. Use Anti-Gas Drops 

There is evidence that relieving stomach gas helps alleviate the associated sobbing and unease. The colic symptoms can be alleviated with the help of gas drops recommended by pediatricians. 

How to sooth colic baby

There is no single treatment for colic because there is no single cause of it. You can give each of these a shot in order. After a few days, you may notice less signs of colic in newborns, if one doesn’t work, go on to the next.  

Colic can be treated with time. Depending on your kid’s age, you might have to wait until they are four months old for the fussiness to subside. 

Your kid may be sensitive to medications you take or foods you eat, so it’s important to check your diet as well, so  that baby will not feel any discomfort with your milk.  

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Do the following to calm your infant: 

  • Rock them or rub their back. 
  • Use a swaddle to keep your infant warm. 
  • Put their naked body up against yours. 
  • Play a recording of a heartbeat or listen to white noise (from a fan, washing machine, or dishwasher, for example). 
  • The babocush is a safe and comfortable way to offer your baby some belly time, which can help alleviate colicky symptoms.  

Flat head syndrome, which can occur when a newborn spends too much time on their back, can be avoided with regular tummy time. It’s a good position for relieving stifled gas and wind, which can be a source of continual sobbing.  

When to get medical attention

After trying a few of them, you will likely know which of the methods above is most beneficial for your child.  

However, if his crying continues and you can’t console him, it may be time to take him to the doctor. A doctor can confirm colic or other causes of frequent sobbing can be discussed. 

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You should see a doctor if you experience symptoms with normal signs of colic in newborns..

  • The screams have a higher pitch or an odd quality. 
  • Crying causes a bluish tint to your baby’s lips or skin. 
  • Your infant is losing weight and frequently throwing up. 
  • Your infant is vomiting and has diarrhea or bloody stools. 
  • You may have noticed that there have been fewer wet diapers or less frequent feedings with your infant. 
  • Remember that you’re a fantastic parent, no matter how helpless you feel when your baby is crying. This phase of tears will end soon, so remember you can get through this. 

Tips for Parents to deal with colic in newborns

If your newborn is colic and having above signs, following are the tips to handle it smoothly

1. Swaddle your infant. 

Wrapping a fussy infant in a large, thin blanket might help them feel safe and comfortable, which can help calm them down.  

Don’t suffocate them by wrapping them too tightly; instead, let them free use of their hands. This may do wonders for your infant and offer you a break! Babies that are swaddled tend to sleep more soundly and for longer periods. 

Pick up your infant in the blanket and gently rock them from side to side. Babies respond positively to gentle, gradual motion. A baby is held and rocked constantly while in the womb, so even if you do this for multiple times a day, it’s a big change.  

Research published in Pediatrics indicated that infants whose parents held them for 16.5 hours per day experienced 50% less crying than infants held for 8 hours per day. 

It is recommended you think about the following before swaddling your baby: 

  • Temperature. Keep your child from getting too hot. If your infant has a fever, you should not swaddle them. 
  • Material. Thin fabrics, like cotton sheets or muslin squares, are ideal for swaddling because they help regulate body temperature.  
  • Position & tightness. To avoid the risk of asphyxia, swaddling should stop at the shoulders.  

2 Lay Them on a Special Pillow. 

Infants prefer to be carried close to the mother’s chest. Studies reveal that babies who are carried more often scream less. However, this is only sometimes feasible due to time constraints.  

The Babocush is one alternative to special pillows. This soothing pillow was created to make you feel like your baby is resting against your chest.  

The combination of their body’s natural vibrations and the rhythm of their heart relieves a lot of pressure on their abdomen. There may be less discomfort from gas and reflux after doing this. 

3. Carry Your Child with the Stomach Facing Down. 

Place your forearm or lap over your baby’s if they are awake and you want to rest their head in your hand. Babies often relax more quickly and peacefully in this position. In addition, you can use your free hand to give them a soothing back massage.  

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Naturally, you should exercise caution and guarantee their safety. Babies enjoy this posture so much, since your arm resting on their tummy relieves flatulence.  

3. Go for a Long Drive 

Infants sleep better in the car because the environment resembles the womb. The car’s motion and noise will help them unwind gradually.  

Signs of colic

4. Give your Infant a Pacifier. 

In the first few months, babies have a strong desire to suck, and gratifying that want can immediately settle a crying episode. If your baby is fussy, a pacifier may help. Some breastfed babies may be resistant, but others will feel much better afterward.  

It’s crucial to know the potential challenges a pacifier poses for a breastfeeding baby if you plan to use one. Breast rejection, insufficient milk supply, and nipple confusion are all potential issues. Therefore, if you are a breastfeeding mother, observe your child closely. 

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5. Try Out Relaxing Sounds 

The soothing sounds of a running shower or a white noise machine can help lull your child into a restful slumber.  

Because of the proven effectiveness of sound in calming infants, the Babocush Comfort Cushion includes a simulated fetal heartbeat as one of its features.  

6. Sing to your baby. 

Finally, just like you would play lullabies or other calming noises for your infant, you should do the same for your baby. Babies enjoy listening to music and their mothers’ voices, especially if it is kind and reassuring.  

You may help them and help yourself by singing to them. It’s oddly soothing, and you two might even nod out! The benefits will increase as your infant learns to know and like the songs. 

Don’t allow the misery of infant colic to ruin your day! Almost all parents experience this, and it often lasts for years. These suggestions will help you keep your cool and soothe your child.  

How Long Does Signs of Colic Last in newborns? 

Your baby may experience colic for up to three hours a day until they are approximately six weeks old and then for up to two hours a day until they are about three or four months old.  

Colic usually subsides when your baby is 4 months old, but it might linger until they are 6 months old. This has been such a trying and lengthy period. Meanwhile, do everything you can to soothe your infant and ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. 

The post Signs of Colic in Newborn! FAQs & Home Remedies to deal with it appeared first on YourHealthyMom.

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