breastfeeding Archives - YourHealthyMom Rising Happy and Healthy You Wed, 10 May 2023 06:59:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 breastfeeding Archives - YourHealthyMom 32 32 Is it safe to do intermittent fasting while breastfeeding: Everything you should know Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:19:07 +0000 What is intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting is an eating cycle in which you eat on a particular schedule and fast rest of the day. Intermittent fasting is a great way to manage your weight and it has many other health benefits also. Mother often thinks about Intermittent fasting while breastfeeding to get back in shape. …

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What is intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is an eating cycle in which you eat on a particular schedule and fast rest of the day. Intermittent fasting is a great way to manage your weight and it has many other health benefits also. Mother often thinks about Intermittent fasting while breastfeeding to get back in shape.

Some people fast 16 hours a day and eat in rest of 8 hours, some fast every other day for 24 hours and some fast once or twice in a week for 24 hours. Fasting can be in the ratio of 14:10 also where you fast for 14 hours and eat in rest of 10 hours.

Is it safe to do intermittent fasting while breastfeeding

Intermittent fasting can be safe during breastfeeding if you are meeting your calories needs for that day during eating window. When a women is breastfeeding, she needs some extra calories to meet the nutritional requirement especially carbohydrate, fats, and protein. If you are able to meet your daily calorie requirement during eating window and having enough liquid to stay hydrated all the time then intermittent fasting can be done safely while breastfeeding.

Intermittent fasting while breastfeeding will not cause any harm to baby but make sure your baby is gaining enough weight and meeting all nutritional requirement for his growth and development. Breastfeeding is successful if your baby is gaining healthy weight and growing healthy; if not then stop intermittent fasting for some time.

It is not a good idea to do intermittent fasting for the first 5 to 6 month of your baby’s life. This is important to set their sleep and feeding schedule first. A mother’s body also goes through many changes during that time so it is not advisable to try fasting to lose weight. It is not advisable to do intermittent fasting during the active phase of breastfeeding and when you are the only source for your baby’s nutritional needs.

Here are some of the safety tips to do intermittent fasting while breastfeeding.

1.    Don’t stress yourself and start slow

Start slow and don’t stress yourself because while breastfeeding you are already facing issues in your sleep. However fasting itself can increase the production of stress hormone cortisol which can affect your milk supply. Stress has many other side effects as well. Try to set your eating window little longer to reduce the effect or completely skip intermittent fasting for some time.

Initially you can start with 10 hours of eating window with fasting around 14 hours and slowly increase it to 8 hours of eating window with 16 hours of fasting for best result with maximum health benefits.

2.    Don’t overdo exercise

Don’t overdo exercise and let your body adjust to this new eating routine. Listen to your body first after all yours and your baby health should be your first priority. Although exercising is good for health but when you are fasting, it can increase unnecessary stress to your body and you can reach fasting stage fast. Initially do only light exercise and slowly increase it and let your body get adjusted to intermittent fasting especially while breastfeeding.

Read to know 13 tips on breastfeeding if you are a first time mom

3.    Take enough sleep

During breastfeeding your baby can wake up in the night for feeding which can disturb your sleep cycle and can cause stress to your body. Try to take short naps during day time also when your baby sleep and take enough sleep of 8 to 9 hours throughout a day.

intermittent fasting

4.    Drink enough water

Drinking lots of water throughout the day will maintain your milk supply. It will keep you hydrated while fasting period also. Drinking enough water will also help to maintain hunger while fasting.

5.    Eat nutritional food and have enough calories

When you are breastfeeding, you need some extra calories to meet nutritional requirements for both you and your baby. Sometimes it’s get difficult to consume extra calories during a small eating window which is not good while breastfeeding. Eat enough calories during the eating window so that you can fulfill the nutritional requirement for you and your baby both.

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Risk associated with intermittent fasting while breastfeeding

In general intermittent fasting is safe but when you are breastfeeding, your body reacts differently. Low food intake can lead to nutritional deficiency in both mother and baby. It is difficult to meet all the requirements in short time when you are feeding your baby whole day and sharing your nutrition with him/her.

Read about 12 foods that you should avoid completely while breastfeeding

Here are some of the risks associated with intermittent fasting while breastfeeding

Fasting can affect your reproductive hormone and can cause fertility related problem. It can cause irregular periods and sometimes can stop period completely. But the good news is that it only happens when fasting is done for too long.

Some women don’t get their period until they are breastfeeding. There is a possibility that you haven’t started your period yet after delivering baby. In this situation you can’t notice any irregularities in your menstrual cycle but you should always be careful for your body. If you feel any changes in your body that means your body does not like this and you should stop it for some time.

2.    It can affect milk supply in some women

Fasting can affect milk supply if you are not consuming enough calories while eating window and if you are fasting for 24 hours. Generally a short term fasting like 12 to 16 hour will not affect milk supply if you are having enough calories required while breastfeeding and having enough fluid throughout the day.


3.    Fasting can change breastmilk composition

Micronutrients in breastmilk are depended on your food intake. If you are fasting for long hour and eating less food then it can change the micronutrients in breastmilk and affect its composition which can cause nutritional deficiency in mother and baby both. It can be prevented by eating a healthy and balanced diet and it is not recommended doing intermittent fasting more than 16 hours while breastfeeding.

Read here to know some amazing benefits of breastfeeding for babies

4.    While breastfeeding you can reach to fasting stage early and 24 hour fasting is dangerous

When you are breastfeeding, you feel hungry very often. This is because your body is using your nutrients not only for your body but also for producing breastmilk also. While breastfeeding a mother can reach to fasting stage early and use body’s stored glucose for energy. If you fast for too long your body can go into starvation stage and your metabolism will decrease. It’s not good to ignore these signs of huger.

Fasting for too long like not eating anything for 24 hours can be dangerous also. Staying hungry for long time can result in Ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis can cause symptoms like vomiting, belly pain, nausea, headache, breathing problems and excessive pee etc. This is a very rare situation. This can happen when fasting for 24 hours and eating diet which is very low on carbs from many days.

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13 Benefits of breastfeeding for babies: Why it is important Sat, 19 Feb 2022 17:38:34 +0000 Overview Breast milk is the best food for your baby which contains all the nutrition for their development and growth. There are lots and lots of benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mother both. Breast milk contains right amount of nutrients which are easily digestible and help in their optimal development. The world health organization …

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Breast milk is the best food for your baby which contains all the nutrition for their development and growth. There are lots and lots of benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mother both. Breast milk contains right amount of nutrients which are easily digestible and help in their optimal development.

The world health organization recommends breastfeeding until 2 year or longer and exclusive breastfeeding until baby is 6 months old. The reason behind this is that breastfeeding is one of the most effective way to ensure baby’s health.

Here are the 13 amazing benefits of breastfeeding for babies on the basis of research and science.

1.    Breastmilk is a sole food with full of nutrients

Breast milk is the best food for your baby. It is a whole food which contains all the necessary nutrients in right proportion for their growth and brain development. Breastmilk includes all the necessary vitamins, iron, calcium, minerals, protein and fats.

2.     Breastmilk keeps baby healthy

Research suggests that the babies who are exclusively breastfeed are healthier and have strong immune system then the babies who are not.  After birth, the first yellow milk your breast makes is Colostrums, which help to provide protection for babies against harmful germs by coating their intestine so no germs can enter his gut and make them sick especially for premature babies.

3.    Breast milk keep changing according to the need of baby

This is a custom made drink made by the mothers for their babies according to their need and growth. Breast milk keep changing according to the need as baby grows up. As baby grows up, its composition changes as per their nutritional requirement and age.

4.    Breastmilk is good for baby’s digestion

Breastmilk is very light on baby tummy and easy to digest for them. It helps to reduce gut infections also. Babies who are exclusively breastfeed are less likely to develop any bowel related disease. Babies are able to digest breast milk more easily rather than formula milk.

Read here to know some best tips on breastfeeding for first time moms

5.    Breast milk helps to build strong immune system

Breast milk contains many antibodies which help to fight with infection, germs and viruses. These antibodies help to build strong immune system later on in life. Mother’s milk provides direct protection against mild infections like cold and cough. It helps baby to fight with diseases.

breastfeeding benefits

6.    Breastfeeding reduce the risk of SIDS

Sudden infant syndrome death (SIDS) is known as a sudden death of the babies younger than one year. It usually happens during the time of sleep and the cause of it is not known till now. As research suggest that another benefit of breastfeeding is that it reduces the risk of SIDS in babies.

7.    Breastmilk improve brain development

Breastmilk contain many nutrients along with DHA which helps in brain development and research shows that babies who are breastfeed have high IQ and smarter than other babies who are not breastfeed.

Click here and know some amazing home remedies for cough for infants that actually work

8.    Breastmilk helps to reduce the risk of allergies and infections

Breastmilk contains live immunity directly from the mother which helps him to reduce the risk the allergies like asthma, cold, cough, ear infection and throat infection. It also helps to reduce the risk of skin diseases like eczema, dermatitis and childhood leukemia.

9.    Breastmilk promote the health of pre-mature baby

Breastmilk is an essential food for babies especially for the babies who are premature. It provides all the growth factors which are important to maintain his healthy weight. Breastmilk helps to prevent gut infections because pre-mature babies are more likely to have them because of weak immunity. It helps them to grow and develop properly because they are at a higher risk of disease than the full term babies.

10.    Breastmilk helps to maintain healthy weight and reduce obesity

Breastmilk is linked to maintain healthy weight and prevent obesity because it contain right amount of fat needed to grow them healthier and smarter. And it is very light on baby tummy so that it’s easier to digest. It contains good bacteria which helps them to build strong digestive system which prevent from gastrointestinal issues.

11.     Breastmilk protect against diseases like type-1 and type-2 diabetes

Breastmilk contains natural sugar therefore it provides the benefit of reducing the risk of developing type-1 and type-2 diabetes in babies.

12.    Breastmilk is always available

Another benefit of breastmilk is that it’s always available for your baby which is great. You can feed your baby whenever he is hungry without any preparation. It reduces the stress of late night bottle feeding and helps in better sleep for both mother and baby.

13.    Breastfeeding build strong bond between baby and mother

Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience which only a mother can experience. It helps to create a strong bond between both of them. Breastfeeding provides comfort to baby that no other thing can give. Babies love to do cuddles and love the closeness with mothers in other words it provide that lovely warmth and love to babies.

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Breastfeeding and nipple pain: What are the causes and how long it last Sun, 28 Nov 2021 05:54:05 +0000 Breastfeeding should not cause you nipple pain and that’s the fact. It can be uncomfortable at first but never painful. Breastfeeding is something that only a mother can do for her baby. It should be pleasant for both mother and baby but not painful. If it’s painful that means something is definitely wrong. It can …

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Breastfeeding should not cause you nipple pain and that’s the fact. It can be uncomfortable at first but never painful. Breastfeeding is something that only a mother can do for her baby. It should be pleasant for both mother and baby but not painful. If it’s painful that means something is definitely wrong. It can be anything like baby is not latching properly, position is not right or any other reason. If your baby is latching properly and using proper position, you can experience little or no nipple soreness.

Breastfeeding can cause a discomfort at first and this discomfort should go in few weeks like 1 or 2 week. There is a difference between discomfort and pain and you should aware about it. Generally a healthy and full term baby knows how to latch properly and get commands on it within few days. If you experience slight tenderness after 3 to 5 days, that is completely normal. But if your nipples are sore, it may be a sign that something is wrong.

11 Causes of nipple pain when breastfeeding

Nipple pain or soreness is very common while breastfeeding. Some of the most common reasons of nipple pain are:

1.     Improper latching position:

Breastfeeding can sound easy but it’s not. It takes time to learn the technique for both mother and baby. An improper latch can cause you pain in nipple while breastfeeding. A bad latch can also cause bruise on nipple.

An improper latch happens when baby does not hold enough breast tissue or his tough is not positioned properly. Sometime baby is sucking only for comfort and not latching properly, can also be a reason of sore nipple.

There are few things that you can look for a proper latch like-

  • Make sure that baby open his mouth wide when you offer your breast.
  • If they are not latching well at first, pull them off and try again.
  • Don’t use nipple guards often, only use them temporarily.
  • Sometime babies latch nicely but slide down while nursing, make sure there is proper space between breast and baby nose. If it happens pull them off and start over again.
  • Take the help of any lactation consultant if it’s not going right.

2.     Unlatch properly

Babies latch very deeply on breast and no proper unlatching can also harm sensitive nipples. This can also be a reason of nipple pain while breastfeeding. If you unlatch baby, make sure to break the suction before pulling them off from breast. Removing them without breaking the suction can be painful also and cause you sore nipples.

3.     Improper breastfeeding positions

If your baby’s latch is good and still you are having pain, than an improper position can be a reason of this pain. There are many different breastfeeding positions which you can try according to you and your baby’s comfort.

You can try multiple positions and change position according to your need to help you with sore nipples. There are many accessories are also available like breastfeeding pillows, breast pads and many more which you can use according to your comfort.

Read here 13 tips on Brest feeding for first time moms


4.     Breast engorgement

Breast engorgement means breast are too full with milk. It happens during the early days of breastfeeding when your body tries to adjust your supply according to the need of baby. It can also happen if there is a long gap between two feeds. Engorged breast can hurt and make it difficult for baby to latch. You can use breast pump to extract some milk or gentle massage your breast or use a warm compress to reduce the engorgement before feeding your baby. It will be easier for your baby to latch and will not cause you any pain in nipples while breastfeeding.

5.     Clogged milk ducts

Your breast has milk ducts through which milk flows out the nipples. When one of the milk ducts is clogged, milk can back up and cause tenderness in breast. You can try warm compress to help the milk flow and make sure to empty your breast at each feeding. Different feeding position can also help you to stimulate all the milk ducts and help you to release clogged milk ducts.

6.     Thrush

Thrush is a type of yeast infection on your nipple. Your nipples get wet when you feed your baby which can cause this infection. This can pass between mother and baby and you should treat it as soon as possible. Nipple thrush can also be a reason of painful breastfeeding.

To prevent this you need to keep your nipple dry, wipe it with a clean towel after each feeding. You can also use breast pads and change them frequently.

Click here to know about 25 things you should not do with newborn

7.     Eczema

Eczema is a type of skin dermatitis which looks like a red or scaly rash. It can be anywhere on your body as well as nipples also. Eczema can also be a possible cause of painful nipple. Your doctor will provide you a treatment like creams and lotions for this and make sure to wipe it off before each feeding.

8.     Dry Skin

Dry or cracked nipples can cause you sore and tender nipples. Keep you nipple moisturized with a good moisturizer or you can apply your own breast milk to keep nipples soft. Breastmilk can be a great moisturizer for your dry or cracked nipple.

9.     Mastitis

Mastitis is known as an infection in your milk ducts which can cause you sore and tender breast. If you have other symptoms like fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, hard or red area of the breast, than there is a possibility that you can infection in your milk ducts.

This infection can be a reason of nipple pain while breastfeeding and should be treated with the prescribed medication. Call your doctor if you feel like you are having an infection and treat it as soon as possible.

10.      Tongue tie

Some newborn born with a condition called tongue-tie which restricts the motion of tongue. Tongue-tie can also cause nipple pain when you breastfeed because baby is unable to latch properly. If you think that tongue-tie can be a reason which preventing your baby from good latch, contact your doctor or lactation consultant to help you.  

11.     Shape of nipple

If you have a flat or inverted nipples, it can be difficult for your baby to hold your breast in his mouth and latch properly. There are some exercises which can help you to draw the nipple out or you can use nipple shields for some time for a good latch.

How long does nipple pain lasts.

Duration of pain completely depends on the reason of pain. Generally nipple pain peeks around 3rf or 4th day after birth but then starts subsiding and should go away in 2 to 3 weeks. But be sure your baby is latching properly; your holding position is correct and comfortable for both of you to experience a smooth breastfeeding journey.

Should you continue breastfeeding with nipple pain

Yes, of course. There is no reason to say no to breastfeeding in pain. Actually, continue breastfeeding will help you to ease your pain or any type of infection. Try to nurse on both sides equally. Some women nurse frequently for a shorter period of time rather than nurse for an extended period of time. This trick can also be helpful for you to ease out your pain.

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Alcohol and breastfeeding: can you drink while breastfeeding Thu, 07 Oct 2021 07:35:53 +0000 The harmful effects of alcohol are well known during pregnancy. Too much alcohol can be harmful in all the way and in breastfeeding also. Everything you eat while breastfeeding will eventually find his way to breast milk including alcohol. Completely avoiding alcohol during breastfeeding is the safest option for both mother and baby. A drink …

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The harmful effects of alcohol are well known during pregnancy. Too much alcohol can be harmful in all the way and in breastfeeding also. Everything you eat while breastfeeding will eventually find his way to breast milk including alcohol.

Completely avoiding alcohol during breastfeeding is the safest option for both mother and baby. A drink a day is unlikely to harm your baby especially if you wait at least 2 hours after having a drink before feeding.

Currently research suggest that occasional use of 1 or 2 drink will not cause any harm to baby and many of the expert suggest not to drink more then 1-2 drinks per week.

Read here to know about 12 foods to avoid while breastfeeding

Facts about alcohol while breastfeeding

Here are some of the facts about alcohol while breastfeeding.

  1. A research show that the amount of alcohol enters in baby’s bloodstream via breast milk is only about 5 to 6% of the amount of alcohol in the mother’s bloodstream.
  2. Alcohol passes quickly from mother’s bloodstream into breast milk. So at any given time, the concentration of alcohol in breast milk is similar to the concentration of alcohol in mother’s bloodstream.
  3. The alcohol level peeks in body around 30 to 60 minutes after having a drink so it is generally safe to feed your baby after 2 hours of having a drink. But remember, this is just for 1 drink, the more you drink, the more time it will take to clear out from your system. For example, alcohol from 1 drink can be detected in breast milk for 2 to 3 hours, for 2 drinks it can be detected in breast milk for about 4 to 5 hours and so on.
  4. As the level of alcohol will clear out from your blood, it will clear out from your breast milk too
  5. Excessive consumption of alcohol can interfere with your milk supply also and can cause low milk supply.
  6. The effect of alcohol on breastfeeding baby directly depends on the amount of alcohol which the mother consumes.

Effects of alcohol on breastfeeding baby and mother

Check here 13 tips on breastfeeding for first time moms and stages of breastfeeding

If you are having more then 1 or 2 drink of alcohol per day, it can affect you and your baby both in negative way. Here are some of the effects on both mother and baby are:

  • Alcohol can affect your milk supply and can cause low milk supply.
  • Daily consumption of more than one drink can cause some development delay in newborn babies.
  • Alcohol while breastfeeding can cause poor weight gain in babies.
  • It can also lead to disturbed sleep pattern.
  • It can cause motor skills delay.
  • Alcohol can impact on cognitive score of children later on their life.
  • There is no solid scientific evidence on the effects of alcohol while breastfeeding doesn’t mean that having a drink daily will not cause any harmful effects. So it is always best to avoid completely for some time.
  • Babies who are exposed to alcohol via breast milk are fussier and cry more than babies who are not exposed.
  • The metabolism of newborn baby is not so good and their liver is immature. So, try to avoid drinking alcohol at least till your baby is 3 month old.

FAQs on breastfeeding and alcohol

1.    When can I breastfeed after drinking alcohol?

The amount of alcohol is higher after about 30 to 60 minutes of having a drink. Alcohol from one drink can be detected in breast milk for about 2 to 3 hours after consuming it. The more you drink, the more time it will take to clear out from your breast milk. The levels of alcohol in breast milk are same as the level of alcohol in blood.

Typically it is safe to feed your baby 2 hours after consuming 1 drink of alcohol. If your baby needs to be feed before two hours, try to use your previously expressed milk to feed your baby at that time.

Do your breast go back to normal after breastfeeding. Read to know in detail

2.    How much alcohol actually gets in breast milk?

Everything you eat or drink will make their way to breast milk and the same is true for alcohol also. Alcohol can pass in breast milk and to your baby whether you have one drink or more. The level of alcohol is same in the breast milk as the level of alcohol in a mother’s blood. Generally, the amount of alcohol in breast milk is estimated to be 5% to 6% of weight-adjusted maternal dose. Alcohol peeks in breast milk after 30 to 60 minutes of having a drink. It is generally considered safe to breastfeed after 2 to 3 hours of drinking alcohol.

3.    Does alcohol in breast milk make baby sleepy?

The alcohol is like a depressant for nervous system which has a sedative effects that helps you to feel relax and makes you sleepy but the sleep is of a much lower quality than the sleep you get without drinking alcohol. The same applies for infant or newborn babies also. Studies show that when a mother breast feed baby after having alcohol makes baby drowsy and fall asleep more quickly but they also sleep for a shorter amount of time. And babies also slept for 25% less time after exposure to a small amount of alcohol via breast milk.

4.     Do you have to pump and dump after drinking?

If you are a mother who thinks pumping and dumping milk will decrease alcohol levels in breast milk and it will help then you are wrong. The level of alcohol in breast milk is same as the level of alcohol in blood. If the level of alcohol is high in blood, eventually it will go in breast milk.

As long as the alcohol is there in blood, it will go in breast milk also. Alcohol levels go up and down in your breast milk according to how much alcohol is present in blood. As alcohol levels will go down in blood, it will go down in milk also.

The only reason to pump and dump is for your mental peace and to empty your breast if you are feeling full as you can’t breastfeed your baby right now.

5.    How is a standard drink defined?

In the UK, the NHS suggests using this unit calculator:

According to NHS one “standard” drink (or one alcoholic drink equivalent) contains roughly 14 grams of pure alcohol, which is found in:

  • 12 ounces of regular beer, which is usually about 5% alcohol
  • 5 ounces of wine, which is typically about 12% alcohol
  • 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, which is about 40% alcohol

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12 foods to avoid while breastfeeding Tue, 28 Sep 2021 08:21:20 +0000 A healthy diet is very important during breastfeeding the same as it’s important when not breastfeeding. Everything you eat during this time affects the breast milk and your baby also. There are few foods to avoid or reduce while you are breastfeeding. Specific nutrients, such as iron, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and D, are …

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A healthy diet is very important during breastfeeding the same as it’s important when not breastfeeding. Everything you eat during this time affects the breast milk and your baby also. There are few foods to avoid or reduce while you are breastfeeding.

Specific nutrients, such as iron, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and D, are particularly very important while breastfeeding. Eating a wide variety of foods is also essential, as this will expose the baby to different tastes and may result in them being more receptive to solid foods later on in their life.

Most breastfeeding moms can eat whatever they like without affecting their babies. But every baby is different. If you notice that your baby seems to be fussy, gassy, or sleepless after you eat a particular food, try to avoid that food and check your baby reaction to it. The most important thing is to include a wide variety of fresh and healthy foods in your breastfeeding diet.

Foods to avoid or limit while breastfeeding

From foods that change the taste of your breast milk to foods that make your baby colic, there are certain foods that should be avoided while breastfeeding. While the complete list can vary from woman to woman but some foods are common for everyone. With time, you will naturally learn what works for your baby and what does not.

Here is the list of 12 foods that you should try to avoid or limit while breastfeeding

1.    Alcohol

Experts suggest that breastfeeding moms should limit alcoholic beverages to one standard drink per day. It is also recommended that breastfeeding moms should wait 2 hours after consuming an alcoholic beverage to feed their baby. Having too much alcohol may have a negative effect on your baby’s growth, development, and sleep schedule.

Read more about Alcohol and Breastfeeding: Can you drink while breastfeeding

Research shows that the amount of alcohol in breast milk is high 30–60 minutes after your last drink therefore alcohol can remain in your body for up to 2–3 hours. The more alcohol you have, the longer it will take to be cleared from your body.

13 tips on breastfeeding for first time moms that no one will tell you

2.    Caffeine

Caffeine is a most common part of our diet. Coffee, soda, tea, and chocolate are common sources of caffeine. When you consume them, some of that caffeine can come in your breast milk also. It’s wiser to avoid foods containing caffeine while breastfeeding as it’s a stimulant which can make your baby restless and disturb their sleep. If you want to drink caffeine, try not to have more than 300mg a day because too much caffeine can over-stimulate your baby.

3.    High mercury foods like fish

There are some foods like fish, salmon and tuna, which are high in protein, omega 3 and very healthy for your body. But they are high in mercury and other contaminates. You don’t need to avoid them completely but limit their consumption like once or twice in a week. You can choose foods types which are lower in mercury, such as salmon, tilapia, and trout. Try to avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish because they have high levels of mercury.

4.    Foods high in sugar and limit fatty foods

A healthy diet consists of healthy foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and so on. To complete all the nutrients while breastfeeding, it is important to eat healthy foods and avoid highly processes foods. As highly processed foods are generally high in calories, unhealthy fats, and added sugars, and low in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so it’s recommended to limit their intake as much as possible.

You should try to limit fatty foods and foods that are high in sugar like cookies, cakes. There is some concern about frequent exposure to foods high in sugar and fat as a baby may lead to unhealthy eating habits and obesity in your child but there is still some research needed in this.

healthy breastfeeding diet

5.    Smoking

Smoking can also affect your breast milk the same way as alcohol does. Always try to avoid this while breastfeeding. Smoking can also affect your milk supply also. Studies indicate that smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day reduce milk supply and alter milk composition. It is always best to avoid them.

Click here to read about breastfeeding and nipple pain: How long does it last

6.    Some herbal supplements

Some herbal supplements contain heavy metal and other component which can be dangerous for a baby, the best practice is to avoid them for some time. However herbs and spices are generally considered safe during breastfeeding but there is not much research on herbal supplements.

7.    Spicy foods

However there is no research to suggest that a breastfeeding mom should avoid spicy foods but sometime spicy foods can trigger bloating or gas in babies. If you feel that your baby’s stomach is upset because of the spices that you had before, it is best to avoid them and check the effect on your baby.

8.    Citrus foods

Most of the mothers can eat citrus foods while breastfeeding. In fact, citrus foods are great for a mother’s health as they are a rich source of vitamin c. But some babies are sensitive because of that citrus foods can lead to upset stomach and might cause rashes. Always check for any unusual signs in your baby after having citrus foods especially after eating oranges, grapefruit, lemons and tomato.  If your baby seems fine then you can have then otherwise it is best to avoid them for some time.

Read: Do your breast go back to normal after breastfeeding?

9.    Foods that create gas

There are some foods that create gas like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, corn, and potatoes and many more. While it is not necessary that foods which create gas in you will create gas to baby also but it is always good to minimize or avoid their consumption while breastfeeding. If you decide to have them, try to eat in the morning time when you feel that your baby is active so that you can check any sign of gas or fussiness. Try to avoid them during the night time.

10.    Some herbs

There are some herbs like peppermint, parsley sage which can affect your milk. For example having lots of parsley can curb lactation and having too much peppermint can reduce your milk supply. If you think that your milk supply is dropping down after having lots of peppermint, it is best to avoid them.

11.    Allergy triggering foods

If your family has some history of food allergies then you should check it for your baby also to avoid any allergic reaction. Some of the most common allergy triggering foods is: Cow milk, Peanuts, Soy, Nuts, Gluten, Fish and some citrus foods.

You should not think that you have to avoid these foods while breastfeeding but always keep an eye on your baby’s reaction whenever you have these foods. Always try to expose your baby to different foods and check how he or she reacts. Your baby can tell any of the symptoms like gas, bloating, rash, Crying, colic, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, fussy, nose congestion or runny nose. Generally the symptoms can show within 12 to 24 hours of eating.

12.    Some medications

While most medications are safe to use during breastfeeding but there are some medications like aspirin and product which contains aspirin as well as naproxen should be avoided. You can also check with your health care provider which medications are safe to use and which not.

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